As I was reading in the New Testament this week I came across a scripture in John chapter 14 that really stuck out to me. Christ speaking to his Apostles says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." As I reflected upon this scripture today I have come to conclude that the Savior Jesus Christ heals all. Through the Savior Jesus Christ we can be healed of our sorrows, our weaknesses (both spiritual and physical weaknesses), both our physical and emotional pains, our shortcomings, our doubts, and most importantly our sins. Whenever anything is in disarray in my life my first question to myself is "how is my relationship with the Savior".
This week I had the opportunity to teach Sunday school in Church. For those of you who are not of the LDS faith in the LDS church we go to church for three hours every week. One of those hours is designated for what we call Sunday School. In Sunday School we have teachers who are asked to prepare lessons to share with those in the congregation. This is all done on a volunteer basis. My topic today in class was on Agency. Now you might ask how does Agency tie in with John 14:6. Well at the end of my lesson I shared a video with the class. I have included it at the bottom of the post. The video is about a man who suffered a tragic loss because of the poor misuse of another person's agency. In the video it talks about the man overcoming this tragic loss through the Savior Jesus Christ.
During this life we are faced with challenges and decisions every day. God has given us this life as a time to be tested based on the decisions we make. Sometimes those around us make poor choices which effect us. Sometimes we make poor choices that effect others. Other times we make all the right choices and life still happens to throw us a curve ball. In all three instances it is up to us to turn to the Savior Jesus Christ and overcome those challenges. There have been times in my life where I have seen others struggle and turn to everything else but the Savior. In the very moment that one turns to the Savior all of those things are made bearable.
Our goal in this life is to make it back to live with our Heavenly Father. The way he has made it possible for us to do that is through the Savior Jesus Christ. The Savior himself issued us a challenge to "Come unto me". Time after time in my life I have put that challenge to the test and time after time I have been reassured by the Savior of his promises to make our burdens lighter. I know with all of my heart that Jesus Christ is "the way, the truth, and the life". I issue a challenge for all of those who are struggling in their faith to put Christ to the test and turn to him. Take his challenge and see if his promises are true.
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